Regulation Signs for Churches
When you imagine church signs, it usually conjures up images of a marquee sign that has worship hours and Bible humor. As your signage experts, Avisos Digital Graphics & Signage know there is more to church signage than meets the eye. While running a church, there will include numerous signs which are mandated by law which have to be displayed. There are many signs we could cover, but for the sake of brevity we will just focus on regulatory signs today.
Common Church Sign Regulations
Regulations concerning sign requirements for running a church generally fall under your city’s code of ordinances or building code. As every city has its own set of laws, our company recommends checking with the government in your area to find certain regulations and rules. If you are browsing the Internet for your city’s sign requirements, search for the planning or building codes on the city’s site.
The IBC (International Building Code) and IFC (International Fire Code) established general signage guidelines, which usually is adopted at the city and state level. Both codes will cover necessary signs for structures to pass inspection.
Although there may be variations that depend upon your city of residence, there will include common laws which apply in many cases. The following is a list of typical regulations on signs which are going to apply to your church.
Letter color and sizing – letters must be easily read (no vibrant colors or decorative fonts).
Signage placement – Signs next to and on doors must be placed no higher than eye-level. All emergency exit signage ought to be visible, as well as illuminated above the doorways.
Braille accessibility – Room identification signs, directional signage, and all signs that are placed around eye level have to have Grade 2 Braille.
Disability/wheelchair accessibility – Signage has to use a standardized wheelchair logo.
Signage permits – Within many cities, outdoor sign permits are required to show protruding signage from the face of a structure.
For a list of accessibility rules, see these guidelines to the ADA’s signage regulations or go to the ADA’s full accessibility guide.
For more information on church regulatory signs contact Avisos Digital Graphics & Signage at (678) 389-4949.